Posts Tagged ‘Employee Benefits’

Multiemployer Health Plan Sought Reimbursement for Medical Expense Payments
The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York recently dismissed the claim of a multi-employer health fund for reimbursement of approximately $100,000 from a student accident insurance provider. In Central States Southeast and Southwest Area Health & Welfare Fund v. Gerber Life Insurance Co., the Fund filed an action under ERISA […]

Are your severance benefits subject to ERISA?
The provision of severance benefits may constitute an ERISA plan and therefore such arrangements may be subject to the statute's requirements. Although case law provides guidance to employers, ultimately the facts and circumstances of the particular severance arrangement will dictate ERISA’s application. While severance arrangements that provide ongoing benefits to a number of employees will very likely be treated as a plan subject to ERISA, other severance arrangements pursuant to employment or severance agreements may or may not be subject to ERISA.

Severance Memorandum | Employment Law
Paying severance raises unique legal issues and pitfalls that employers and their advisors often fail to recognize. Share Share Tweet Email Print

Social Media Activities May Be Concerted/Protected Activity Under Labor Law | Employment Law
Jules Smith, a partner in the Labor & Employment Practice of Blitman & King, recently discussed the latest pronouncements of the National Labor Relations concerning employer applications of rules restricting employee use of Social Media, which are generally measured against the rights contained in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. Section 7 provides that employees not only […]

Health Care Reform Powerpoint | Employee Benefits
This presentation discusses Health Care Reform. Share Share Tweet Email Print

Severance Powerpoint | Employee Benefits
Separation Agreements: BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO! Share Share Tweet Email Print

United States Supreme Court to Hear Arguments Regarding Constitutionality of Key Health Reform Provision
On November 14, 2011, the Supreme Court announced that it will review a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, holding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate unconstitutional. The individual mandate, which would require citizens to have health insurance in place or pay a penalty, is scheduled to […]