Posts Tagged ‘National Labor Relations Act’

Blitman & King’s 27th Annual Labor Seminar
On March 6, 2017, Blitman & King will host its 27th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar at Turning Stone Resort Casino. Please contact Susan Sturick at (315) 422-7111 or email to RSVP for this free seminar open to all labor organizations and their representatives. For additional information, please click here. Share Share Tweet […]

B&K Client Alert – October 2016
Inside this issue you will find the latest decisions in three controversial cases. Graduate students working at a university are considered employees Standards for joint-employer status Interference with union representation elections You will find more information about these cases here. Share Share Tweet Email Print

Blitman & King Attorney Brian J. LaClair Presents at ABA Conference Regarding Bullying in the Unionized Workplace
Brian J. LaClair, an associate at Blitman & King LLP, presented on issues of workplace bullying at a recent American Bar Association conference in Miami, Florida. Brian discussed union counsel’s perspective on the issue of workplace bullying, particularly how bullying implicates unions’ and union members’ rights and responsibilities with respect to the collective bargaining agreement, […]