Nov 3 2016

Uncubed Workplace Features Jonathan Cerrito

admin | Discrimination | Employee & Severance Agreements | Employment & Severance Agreements | Individual & Executive Disputes | Individual Employment | Wage & Hour | Whistleblower

Blitman & King Partner Jonathan Cerrito was interviewed by Uncubed in an article on workplace issues for employees that are negotiating employment agreements. In the interview, Jonathan discusses the process for reviewing employment agreements, red flags, job security terms and negotiations. Uncubed is a resource platform that provides knowledge to employees and founders in the […]

Jul 17 2015

Legal Considerations When Engaging an Investment Professional for a Participant-Directed Defined Contribution Plan

admin | Employee Benefits

By Jonathan M. Cerrito & Michael R. Daum This is the third in a series of articles about legal considerations under ERISA for pension plan fiduciaries in selecting and monitoring investment professionals to assist with the investment of plan assets. Much has been made about the shift in the retirement landscape away from defined benefit […]

Feb 13 2015

Considerations for Defined Benefit Plan Fiduciaries Who Hire Nondiscretionary Investment Consultants

admin | Employee Benefits

This is the second in a series of articles about legal considerations under ERISA for pension plan fiduciaries in selecting and monitoring investment professionals to assist with the investment of plan assets. Although there are a multitude of general differences between a defined benefit pension plan and a defined contribution pension plan where participants don’t […]

Nov 3 2014

Legal Considerations When Engaging an Investment Professional for an ERISA Pension Plan

admin | Employee Benefits

This is the first in a series of articles about legal considerations under ERISA for pension plan fiduciaries in selecting and monitoring investment professionals to assist with the investment of plan assets. The prudent investment of plan assets is one of the most basic duties facing pension plan fiduciaries under the Employee Retirement Income Security […]

Mar 5 2014

The Basics of the New Disclosure Rules for Service Providers | Employee Benefits

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The Basic Rules for Service Providers Share Share Tweet Email Print

Mar 5 2014

U.S. Pension and Benefits Overview | Employee Benefits

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Read an article on International Labor and Employment Laws.

Mar 5 2014

Defending ERISA Fiduciaries Against Claims of Failure to Diversify in a World of Multi-Manager Investments | Employee Benefits

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Although they are generally lauded for increasing diversification of investments, investment managers and employee benefit plans need to be aware of the potential for ‘‘overlapping’’ and its impact in situations where ‘‘plan assets’’ are invested in multimanager investments and, in particular, fund of funds (‘‘FoF’’ or ‘‘FoFs’’) investment strategies.

Jun 21 2012

Presentation to the Greater Central New York Association of Health Underwriters

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On June 19, 2012, Jonathan Cerrito, Dan Brice and Ginger LaChapelle presented to over 40 members of the Greater Central New York Association of Health Underwriters on topics involving health care reform, HIPAA/HITECH and service provider fee disclosure initiatives. Thank you to NYAHU for the opportunity. Share Share Tweet Email Print

Apr 27 2012

Blitman & King Presents to the Schenectady County Dental Association | Employment Law

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On April 18, 2012, Jonathan Cerrito, Dan Brice and Ginger LaChapelle of Blitman & King presented to the Schenectady County Dental Association on issues involving 401(k) plan administration, HIPAA and employment law.

Jan 23 2012

Presentation to the Central New York Pictage User Group by Daniel R. Brice and Jonathan M. Cerrito | Employment Law

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On October 11, 2011, Daniel R. Brice and Jonathan M. Cerrito gave a presentation entitled “The Employee Benefits and Employment Picture for Photographers.” The information was presented before the Central New York Pictage User Group (CNY PUGs)–a group designed to facilitate communication and education among professional photographers on a regional level around the nation.