Daniel R. Brice, Jonathan M. Cerrito and Ginger B. LaChapelle Present to the Fourth District Dental Society | Employment Law
On October 4, 2011, Daniel R. Brice, Jonathan M. Cerrito and Ginger B. LaChapelle presented to Fulton, Hamilton and Montgomery Counties, Fourth District Dental Society–an organization formed in 1868 to provide member services and serve as a liaison with the New York State Dental Association the American Dental Association, and other State Agencies and Societies–on various employee benefit issues facing the dental industry.

Executives of Tax-Exempt Entities Need to Value Fringes as Part of their Compensation Package | New York Law
The IRS is conducting a National Research Program focusing on uncollected employment taxes for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. As part of this nationwide review, the IRS recently indicated that the most common reason it imposes sanctions on tax-exempt organizations is the improper reporting of fringe benefits.

Daniel R. Brice and Jonathan M. Cerrito Speak Before Trade Association of Sales & Marketing Professionals
On January 19, 2011, Daniel R. Brice and Jonathan M. Cerrito presented to CNY Sales & Marketing Executives (CNYSME)—a trade association founded in 1935 and a recognized voice of the sales and marketing profession in Central New York—on various employment law and employee benefits matters.

Defending Trustees Against Failure to Diversify Claims | Employee Benefits
Jonathan M. Cerrito, a Partner in the Employee Benefits Department, and Michael R. Daum, a 2010 Summer Associate, recently published an article addressing diversification in the context of fund of funds investment vehicles in Benefits & Compensation Digest Volume 47 Number 12, pages 24-28, December, 2010...