Latest News
Jul 21 2010
Nathaniel G. Lambright Named 5th District Representative for New York State Bar
Author(s): Nathaniel Lambright
Tags: Albany Law | Employee Benefits | Fifth District Representative | Individual Employment | Labor and Employment Section | Labor Law | Labor Practice | Lawyers | Legal Counsel | Legal Education | Litigation Law | Nathaniel Lambright | New York Bar Association | New York Law | New York State Bar Association | Syracuse Lawyers
Nathaniel G. Lambright, a Partner in the firm’s Labor Practice, was recently named the Fifth District Representative of the Labor and Employment Section of the New York State Bar Association. Mr. Lambright will help coordinate outreach efforts for the Section, including organizing Continuing Legal Education courses in labor and employment. The purpose of the Labor and Employment Section is to bring together for furtherance of their mutual interests those members of the New York State Bar Association as are interested in labor and employment law; to examine the possibilities of improvement and reform in labor and employment law through legislation; to disseminate information and exchange ideas relating to the development and practice of labor and employment law, both substantive and procedural; and to further the education of the Bar and the public in labor and employment law.