Mar 5 2014

The Small Employer Tax Credit | Employee Benefits

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The Small Employer Tax Credit Share Share Tweet Email Print

Jun 21 2012

Presentation to the Greater Central New York Association of Health Underwriters

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On June 19, 2012, Jonathan Cerrito, Dan Brice and Ginger LaChapelle presented to over 40 members of the Greater Central New York Association of Health Underwriters on topics involving health care reform, HIPAA/HITECH and service provider fee disclosure initiatives. Thank you to NYAHU for the opportunity. Share Share Tweet Email Print

Apr 27 2012

Blitman & King Presents to the Schenectady County Dental Association | Employment Law

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On April 18, 2012, Jonathan Cerrito, Dan Brice and Ginger LaChapelle of Blitman & King presented to the Schenectady County Dental Association on issues involving 401(k) plan administration, HIPAA and employment law.

Apr 3 2012

What does health care look like in 2014 and beyond? | Employment Law

admin | Employee Benefits | Health & Welfare Plans

That's exactly the question that Ginger LaChapelle, an Associate in the Employee Benefits Department of Blitman & King, recently addressed in her presentation at the firm's 22nd Annual Labor and Employment Law Seminar. The paper and presentation explained key health reform provisions relating to the establishment of state-run American Health Benefit Exchanges, and the law’s most controversial requirement, the “individual mandate.”

Oct 6 2011

Daniel R. Brice, Jonathan M. Cerrito and Ginger B. LaChapelle Present to the Fourth District Dental Society | Employment Law

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On October 4, 2011, Daniel R. Brice, Jonathan M. Cerrito and Ginger B. LaChapelle presented to Fulton, Hamilton and Montgomery Counties, Fourth District Dental Society–an organization formed in 1868 to provide member services and serve as a liaison with the New York State Dental Association the American Dental Association, and other State Agencies and Societies–on various employee benefit issues facing the dental industry.

Feb 1 2011

Ginger LaChapelle Presents New DOL Fee Disclosure Rule to the Albany Chapter of the New York Employee Benefits Committee | Employment Law

admin | Union Labor

Ginger LaChapelle, an Associate in the Employee Benefits Department, recently presented Reviewing the DOL's Final Rule for Fee Disclosure in Participant Directed Individual Account Plans to the Albany Chapter of the New York Employee Benefits Committee.

Sep 2 2010

Daniel E. Kornfeld and Ginger B. LaChapelle Appointed to ERISA Leadership

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Blitman & King Attorneys Daniel E. Kornfeld and Ginger B. LaChapelle have been appointed Subcommittee Co-Chairs for the Employee Benefits Committee of the American Bar Association. Daniel has been appointed to the Subcommittee dealing with the interaction between collective bargaining and employee benefits. Ginger has been appointed to the Subcommittee dealing with the regulation of specialized employee benefit plans.