Author Archive

Blitman & King LLP Presents at the NLRB Region 3 Conference, “The NLRA at 80: Is the Statute Adapting to the New Workplace.”
Blitman & King associate Bryan T. Arnault recently participated in a panel discussion at the May 8th event sponsored by Region Three of the National Labor Relations Board, Cornell University, and the New York State Bar Association. On a panel with NLRB Member Lauren McFerran, NLRB Member Philip Miscamarra, and a management side attorney, Arnault […]

Blitman & King LLP Presents on the National Labor Relations Act as Part of American Bar Association Webinar Series
Bryan T. Arnault, Esq. recently presented to a national audience as part of the American Bar Association’s CLE Webinar Series. The program, entitled “National Labor Relations Act Essentials,” was presented live on July 30, 2014 and addressed various issues, including employees’ right to engage in protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the Act, activity […]

Workplace Confidential and Courtesy Rules: The Board’s View
While employers’ issuance of workplace policies are not a new or recent development, the current National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) has increased its scrutiny of such policies to the extent they interfere with employees’ Section 7 rights. In the Fall 2014, American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Newsletter, Bryan T. Arnault, Esq. authored an […]